Being the best in your class!

Do you want to be the best in your class? Have you ever wondered how a certain so and so gets top marks all the time? You probably think they were born with a high IQ… something you feel you don’t have!
Hey, tell you what; if you apply yourself, put in extra effort and follow these simple, easy steps; you’ll soon be reaping the rewards and wondering how you made being smart so easy:

Get your body and brain ready to work:

Chances are you’ll going to learn best and achieve best possible success if your body is at its optimum. Here are a few ways you can get your body ready for learning:
Get enough sleep for your brain to work at its best
Drink a lot of water
Live a healthy lifestyle: eat healthily and exercise often

Set a target:
For you to be top of your class, you got to want to be top of your class. Write down a list of goals you want to achieve and work towards achieving them.
Learn in the way that works for you
Find a way that works for you when learning and making use of the learning style as much as you can. That way you’ve more chances of getting the best possible results from the exercise (learning)

Read wide

Do not restrict your learning to things you’d have learnt in class. Read other materials! You can even ask your teacher if he or she has ideas of what other books you can read to improve your knowledge of a specific subject.
This is a HUGE thing! Many a time there’s a sacrifice that comes with being top of your class. You can’t be a social butterfly week in and out and expect to ace your subject or be top of the class. This is NOT to say you shouldn’t have friends. This IS to say, focus on books, spend more time studying, and less socialising. There’s a time for everything.
You’re going to have to tell bae, friends, and your parents that topping your class is an objective. This way, they are going to respect your decision it when you want to spend more time studying, and they’ll give you space.
Start thinking about your future now, beSmart fans! Go to class and be the best you can possibly be ;-)

5 Kinds Of Student I Don't Like As Rooomate

1. Cultist:yes,cultist the aye,ake(axe),eye,black scorpin student pray to have anyone of them as roommate,if yawa gas and the other cult member come to the room.makes me remember the “99 cult attack in oau,when they entered the room to massacre sug secretary general(afrika),althought he was not a cultist,but imagine what his roommate will be thinking when they arrived.

2. S.U.scriptural union:some say suwegbe union,whatever,i don’t want to be in the same room with this kind of student.they are just too holy for my liken,small thing you say or do,they start quoting bible. i had a roommie like that in my year two.the way he dress,this guy can tuck in on anything,no

matter the cloth he put on,they was a day we were hungry,so me and some of my roomate with this su guy went to buy bread and akara.we were so hungry before we got to the room we had already finished the food.this guy made sure he entered the room put down the bread and akara on the table and prayed.untied the nylon,you know normally you tear the nylon.this guy untied it like he’s going to need the nylon.his behaviour makes me sick.since that year,i don’t wish to have su has roommate again.

3. Prayer warrior:you can’t imagine coming from the night class exhausted,just can’t wait to get to your room and fall in your bed to crash.and that is the time one of your roommate thinks is the time to pray,start to cabash, no no,no way.

4. Thief: Throughout my staying in hostel,i have been so lucky not to have thief as roommate,i can leave my phone charging with my roomates to common room.i will meet it without moving an inch.i trust all my former roommate die.

5. Reading mode:these kind of students are always on reading mode,whether eating,gisting,even sleeping you will always find book with them,i always feel guilty,when having fun and seeing them makes me look like am not a guy like that in my room.this guy sabi jack,always reading,but like some people say “no be by jacking” after the exams he had 4 F’s, while we wey dey play clear all our papers.

Feel free to add yours,what can you say about your roommate?what kind of student you don’t want to have as roommate?

8 categories of Nigerians that cannot be President

It is a bit unfair if you live in a country and you are being told you cannot be President simply because you belong to a group that is politically unattractive. The constitution may not necessarily be a barrier, but your countrymen and women will just not vote for you. If you belong to any of the following categories, you may never be president of your country.

1. The Atheist

One of the fundamental values of Nigerians is the believe in God. Being an atheist is a major hindrance for any one with dreams of occupying the AsoRock. However, even a non practicing Muslim or Christian will have a better chance.

2. The Traditionalist

Sequel to the atheist, a traditionalist can’t be president of Nigeria also. According to The CIA World Fact Book, over 97% of Nigerians are either Christians or Muslims. This overwhelming majority will simply not allow anyone who isn’t one of them to be president. While a hardcore traditionalist does not have a chance at the AsoRock office, a Christian or Muslim with some traditionalist ties might. A traditionalist here means people who still worship traditional African gods.

3. Women

This will be a lot controversial, but there are two major reasons why Nigeria can’t have a female president. African tradition doesn’t view women as leaders, it views them as supporters and people who should be respected and protected by men. Secondly, almost half the countries population is Muslim. Islam is explicitly against having a female as a supreme ruler and that simply means it will be near impossible for any major political party to sponsor a female presidential candidate.

4. Jehovah’s Witness, Shiites and other religious deviants

First the Shiites; they are deviants from mainstream Islamic believes and values who constitute less than 10% of the global Muslim population, and in Nigeria, they are less than 3%. They have extreme views such as “the Prophet was killed by his wives,” and in extreme cases some of them reject the Qur’an saying it was doctored. With these and other extreme views will make even a moderate Shiite unattractive for the AsoRock Villa.

Jehovah’s witnesses are a Christian minority who believes that the end of the world is near and that only their members will be saved from being damned. Some of them have extreme views such as “don’t get blood transfusion even when you are sick and dying.” Nigerians may be conservative and religious, but they just won’t vote for any religious deviant.

5. The Liberal

If you ever want to be president, and you are asked in an interview on your opinion on same-sex union, condemn it, use words such as “it’s disgusting” and “it should be a punishable offense.” The harsher you sound, the more conservative you’ll look. Nigerians love conservatives and hate liberals.

6. The Celibate

In proper Nigerian culture, not having a spouse means you are incomplete, irresponsible . Celibacy may be acceptable in other cultures, but in Nigeria it isn’t.

7. The Ex-convict

The likes of former President Obasanjo and Senator Shehu Sani are political prisoners, so they can be excused from this category. But ex-convicts, in the likes of Bode George and James Ibori will have no chance at ever occupying the AsoRock Villa. In Nigeria, once a criminal is always a criminal.

8. People with bad reputation

Imagine a Femi Fani Kayode contesting for president. Or a Doyin Okupe seriously campaigning to be President. These men will be seen as more of jesters than they will be considered for the countries number one office. From corruption scandals to baseless arguments on Twitter has made these men completely unattractive for any party to sponsor for the country’s presidency. This category also has to include everybody that has been arrested on corruption charges.

Ladies: How to Start a Romantic Conversation with your Boyfriend

You and your boyfriend enjoy discussing school, friends and your favorite television shows -- but you rarely talk about your emotions. Just once, you would like to have a romantic conversation and share your feelings. Starting that chat is tough when he keeps bringing up the latest episode of CSI. Be patient and wait for a break in the chatter to turn up the heat.

timing is everything

A romantic chat doesn't have to take place as you stand under the stars or after watching "Gone with the Wind." Choose a moment when you two are alone and you are both in a light-hearted mood, suggests relationship therapist Karen Gail Lewis, as cited in the article "Making Romantic Small Talk." For example, if you and your boyfriend are spending the weekend repainting your bedroom, stop for a moment, smile and say, "You look really handsome right now."

Genuine and sincere

Be genuine and sincere when starting a romantic conversation, advises Lewis. Say things like, "I really like spending time with you," and "I am so happy I met you," but don't gush or become a broken record. Give him just enough of a heartfelt opener that he can respond with his own feelings -- without fear that his response will open the floodgates to a full-blown relationship discussion. Your boyfriend may want to have a romantic chat but is afraid of things getting too serious.

Body language

Watch your boyfriend's body language when you start a romantic conversation to see if he is in tune with you. Strong eye contact, uncrossed arms and a relaxed posture indicate that he is receptive to talking more, notes the Helpguide article "Effective Communication." In contrast, if he turns away, looks down or folds his arms across his chest, now might not be the best time to get intimate. Wait for an opportunity when he seems relaxed and receptive.
Electronic Communication
If words fail you in person, consider starting a romantic conversation by email or text, recommends psychologist John Grohol in the Psych Central article "9 Steps to Better Communication Today." You might feel more comfortable being open and honest via electronic communication than you do in person -- making it easier to share your feelings. Start your emails or texts with the words, "I think" or "I feel" to make sure you are not misunderstood. For example, you might text, "I feel so happy when we are together." He might respond with the words, "I feel the same way."
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