TOP 5 Easy Ways to Fix Slow charging on Smartphones

My Note 5 says it is going to take 6 hours to be fully charged from 10%....When I first got the phone is was charging very fast, about 20-30% up to full in a little under an I need to charge it all night.

Anyone else have this issue or have a solution?

What causes my phone to charge slow? Is it the battery or the phone inside?????????

That was the message I got from a concern user and I’ll try my possible best to proffer a solution to it. More contributions are welcome via the comment.

How to Fix Slow charging on Your Android/iOS Device

>>Replace The Charging Cable: Many times, it is the micro-USB to USB cable that is the culprit. These cables lose their efficiency over time and therefore can’t provide enough current to charge the phone/device. 

Change the Micro-USB to cable. Either purchase a new original one or borrow the one that’s being used on other device.

>>Use Airplane Mode: Airplane mode on your smartphone can significantly improve the charging process by decreasing the charging time. The only disadvantage is that you would not be able to communicate with others through mobile network or internet.

>>Stay Away From Phone While Charging: Using your smartphone while charging is not healthy to your device. It put a negative impact on your Android’s battery life. It puts battery under heavy load and cause the device to heat up.

Do this;
Close/End all the applications that are running
Turn off WiFi, Bluetooth and GPS

>>Avoid Charging From Powerbanks, Laptops or PC: A lot of us do this but while they can charge your device using USB ports, it is still not a best idea to do so. USB ports on Computers are meant for transferring data, they do not enough current for a device to charge. Hence, slow charging.
E.g Output Current of USB

USB 2.0 can provide up to 500mA
USB 3.0 can provide up to 900mA
If you don’t have a charger nearby and using PC USB port as a last resort. It would be great if you connect your device to a USB 3.0 (blue) port.

>>Finally, Replace Your Battery: If you’ve been using your device for more than 1 year, and it takes more than 3hours to charge and less than 5hours to discharge, then it’s time to look for a replacement.

Remember, the highest form of abnormality is for your device to be charging for more than 4hours and it still didn’t get to 100% full charge.

Read>>>>>10 things draining your phone battery and you dont know

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How Students Can Make Money Online In 7 Simple Ways

It is obvious that so many students are heavy data users who usually spend 3-4 hours daily on average, on the internet. But the question should be what do they do with the data and time they have?

Some students might have been using their time and data for online chat, gaming and streaming of videos, on the basis of entertainment only, without any consideration to what could be the gain (money) realize if the data and time spend was utilized for other lucrative stuffs online. While people who are aware of this article will also utilize less time and data to get their contents well composed and ready to publish it and earn for themselves some dollars on the go or might even engage on some other legal means of getting money online as a student, teenager or even as a kid.

This article is made up of friendly means to help you earn money online without interruptions to your daily activities such as reading for your exams.

As a student I know probably what it takes to go to school, read and do your assignments, so make good use of these friendly means.

Many ways through which you can earn for yourself real dollars in a legal manner and means are hereby outline for your benefits without relevance to their order. So let’s get started.

1.Freelancing Online:

This is one of the terms for people who love and are good at content writing. It is a means of writing for someone else that is usually busy at work and might have less time to write their resume etc. so you get paid for any quality article you write. You can work as a freelancer while carrying out your normal activities of the day.

2.What about Creating of Blogs?

Have you heard about blogging before? This is one of the easy ways to make money online, create your blog and start publishing original contents on it this will attract audience wanting to read your blog articles. Starting a blog is not a rocket science but would have to do with patience and good effort. There are many blogging platform which includes  Blogger and Wordpress which are the popular platforms, you can choose any to start with after you might have conducted a review to know the one that suites you most.

What Platform To Choose Before Creating Your First Blog

3.Create Videos on YouTube:

From days ago till date, YouTube still stands the giant position in terms of online video streaming, so you can create videos on what you know how to do, this could be a tutorial on how to make shoes, hairs or even simple ways to create a blog. Through this, you would be able to make money online simply by uploading videos to YouTube more to it when you are running partnership program with YouTube.

4. Paid for clicks services:

If you don’t have the skills of blogging, making of video tutorials on YouTube, SEO guides etc, but would like to earn money online then join a known get paid for clicks provider. Under this program all you need to do is to create an account with them, generate your unique link, then share it with friends, you can get more people clicking on your link by posting it in  forums or on social media platform like facebook.

The pay you will get is dependable on the number of people who were referred using your URL. It also has its own problem.

5. Go for Adsense:

Adsense is the top most online advertising network, so if you have got a blog or website with good number of traffic, simply apply for Adsense. You will always earn money for any valid click.

6. Affiliate Marketing:

Affiliate marketing is one amongst the simplest way of making money online, in this sense you would have to promote a product or service to customers. Examples of companies you can affiliate with are Amazon and Ebay. Maybe you bought something and feel it’s good and would like to recommend it to people using your referral id or link, whenever they buy from the company you will receive some percentage of the amount paid which is usually from 10% and above depending on the type of company you work with. The more you

Affiliate Marketing And How To Be Successful

Everyone who is an internet user or a webmaster is always in search of what to get in return, in this case there are means of getting something in return for the contents you have online and one among these means is through affiliate marketing.

What is affiliate marketing?

Affiliate marketing is a means of generating income for promoting products or services provided by others, such products or services can be promoted on your websites or blogs etc.

In affiliate marketing, you expect something in return when someone you referred, buys a product or paid for a service. What you expect or receive whenever there’s a sale, is what we call commission. Commissions to be given are usually determine by the type of affiliate marketing program you are on.

Since affiliate marketing operates on a referral system, you would need to sign up for the program in order to have a URL or ID with which you can use to refer people to buy products or services and earn money whenever there is a sale.

Affiliate marketing is an alternative for Google Adsense as people are easily approved through this platform, and are less likely to be approved by Adsense. So affiliate marketing enables you to start making money depending on your ability to refer people to buy from them, it means if there is no sale, there will be no commission for you.

Below are tips that will make you to be successful in affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing needs traffic just like other available services that has to do with advertisement. There is always the need for your sites presence to appear on search engines, and get targeted traffics from them. This is a sure way of increasing the chances of people buying from you.
You may like: How to promote and generate traffics for your blog
2.Time management:

In affiliate marketing time is also considered, try to refer people to buy products within the given time, some affiliate platforms will withdraw you from participation if you were unable to refer at least a person to a product or services within a period of time, usually within some months.
3.Be specific:

Try not to sale everything you see, selling stuffs related to your niche would be a good step towards been successful in affiliate marketing. Stick to a particular product type that matters and have a targeted audience for that.
4.What your audience wants:

It is important to have a research about your audience, and what they want. If you don’t know your audience, how then do you know what they want or are expecting from you? Having a good understanding of what your audience wants would make you to be successful in the affiliate marketing program.
5.Choose the right affiliate program to join

There is always the need to choose the right affiliate program to join, as their numerousness often create a big problem on the choice option of whether to go with affiliate X or Y among other available affiliate programs. There is always a contrasting opinions of people choosing one affiliate program over the other, but the most important thing is to have a research on about 1-5 affiliate programs and choose the one in your sole judgment you think will go well with you.

Although these available affiliate programs are related as they will work almost the same, but some have better percentage of commission compared to others. During your research also remember to read between lines their policies before joining the program.
6.Try to be patient enough:

Earning through affiliate will take time, I have to let you know it is a gradual process which requires hard work, patience and time and you don’t expect to make money from affiliate program the very first day you joined. The way sffiliate X made money might differ from that of affiliate Y, some made money from affiliate marketing the first week and some in months. So you don’t have to panic or lose hope. Just keep developing more strategies.

If you have queries or contributions on how one can be successful in affiliat


Image result for jamb 8keys

How To Use The 8 Keys Without Mouse For The Jamb Utme Exam...

The use of 8 keys without a mouse was introduced by JAMB to make this year 2017 CBT friendly for candidates.

The 8 keys are;
1. A - for choosing option A in response to questions
2. B - for choosing the B option
3. C - represents option C
4. D - for selecting option D
5. P represents previous question
6. N is for next questions.
7. S is for submit
8. R is for reverse.

This is to notify all jamb candidates that you need to use 40secs on each questions during your jamb exam

You can use this format below

ENGLISH=60 Questions=40 mins
2nd Subject=40 Questions=27 mins
3rd Subject=40 Questions=27 mins
4th Subject=40 Questions=26 mins
TOTAL of 120 mins=2 hrs

Please this is a suggestion meant 2 help
Remember to share.


Being single comes in waves of loving being single and wishing you weren’t. I know because I spent the large majority of my own life single.
It rocks when you’re playing the field and feeling yourself, and it sucks when you’re lonely and insecure.
It’s not always going to be a perfect 50/50 split, but your time is pretty much torn between being content with your singlehood and being ready to find someone.

Why Single People Are Usually Healthier

Whatever the case may be, there is a time — no matter who you are and how happy you are with being single — where you kind of don’t hate the idea of not being single anymore.
Obviously, if a boyfriend doesn’t just appear the minute you want one to, partially due to a lack of quality options, I can’t help you with that.
But what I can help you with is how to change things on your end. When I was single, there were some things I did, whether consciously or subconsciously, that kept me single.
Here’s a list of my mistakes, so you don’t make them:

Keeping your ex on a pedestal

I promise you, he wasn’t that great. No matter how awesome your mind has made him out to be, I promise he just wasn’t that great.
Once a relationship is over, it’s easy to idealize it and keep your ex on a pedestal that he didn’t rightfully belong on. But all that’s doing is preventing you from giving someone new a fair shot.

How Running Into An Ex Can Actually Make You Stronger

Accept the fact that there’s a reason things ended between you guys, and don’t even bother dating anyone else until you’ve done that.
Nothing’s ever going to happen for you if every guy you meet is measured against this fantastical version of your ex you’ve created in your mind.

Keeping your ex around in general

My parents stayed extremely close friends after they got divorced, and until recently, I thought that was normal.
Then, I got into a serious relationship, and I realized being close friends with your ex is just weird.
Sure, you guys can be friendly, but close friends who hang out all the time and talk all day, every day? Close friends who are essentially dating, minus the boning part?
That’s not only weird, but it’s a surefire way to push away anyone even thinking about dating you.

Why Being Friends With Your Ex Never Works Out [Disconnected]

Playing it way too cool

This was another one of my textbook demises.
I LOVED TO PLAY IT COOL, so cool that my high school crush didn’t even know I had a crush on him until he asked my best friend to prom, and she had to tell him the news. So cool that I literally once physically ran away from a boy I liked because I realized I like him.
You get the picture. I played it cool.
My fear of rejection was so great that I would go out of my way to make sure anyone I had feelings for had no idea I liked them. The funny thing is, I still ended up getting rejected. The only difference was the guys who were rejecting me had no idea they were doing it.
Don’t be like me. Save yourself the trouble, and put yourself out there. Say how you’re feeling. TELL THE PERSON YOU LIKE THAT YOU LIKE THEM. I promise it won’t kill you.

Writing someone off because they don’t check all your boxes

So you just met a guy whom you’ve spent the past three hours talking to at the bar, laughing uncontrollably and maybe even crying at times. You are vibing with him more than you’ve ever vibed with anyone.
But… he’s short! Ah, he’s short, and you don’t date short guys!

WTF Does "Girlfriend Material" Even Mean?

I’m all for being picky. That’s fine. Don’t settle.
But also, don’t write someone perfectly good off just because they don’t meet some arbitrary standard you set for yourself in the past. You’re never going to meet someone who checks all of your boxes.  Just focus on finding someone who makes you smile.

Mistaking every speed bump for the end of the road

Just because you had a fight, a disagreement or an off day, doesn’t mean it’s over.
Don’t write someone off the minute things go wrong because guess what? Things WILL go wrong in your relationship, no matter who it is you’re dating. You’re both human, and humans mess up all the time.
If you end things with every person you date as soon as something goes wrong, you’ll be alone for the rest of your life.
Plus, one of the best parts about being in love is that you CAN mess up, still knowing you can work it out and still be loved by the other person. Embrace that.

Constantly complaining about how single you are

Even if you’re only complaining about it to your girlfriends, your mom or yourself at night while you fall asleep, you’re still investing your energy in this. And negative energy like that has a way of really seeping into who you are. It becomes part of you.
So then, when you go on a date, all of those negative, insecure thoughts permeate through your skin, and it’s obvious you’re unhappy.

Single Girl's Guide To Living Alone

So instead of complaining, flip the script. Take some time to be happy with yourself, and then, you can be open to meeting new people.

Letting your best friends carefully draft each text you send him before it’s sent

I’m the queen of refusing to make a decision before I’ve consulted with at least 37 of my closest friends about it.
Almost every important text I sent to every boy I dated — up until my boyfriend now — was carefully read by at least three separate friends and put through at least 10 rounds of revisions before I was finally able to hit send on the perfect draft.

5 Stages Every Girl Goes Through Waiting For A Guy To Text Her Back [5TAGES]

In retrospect, I honestly have no idea if this did anything to either better or worsen my game. But what I can tell you is, it diminished my trust in my own instincts. After a while, what had to say just never seemed as good as what my friends were able to craft for me.
This is an issue because if you ever want anything real with anyone, you have to hope they’re in it because they like you — weird texts and all.

Refusing to go on dates sober

First dates can be awkward and frankly terrifying, so yeah, taking a shot (or five) to take the edge off always sounds enticing. BUT IT RUINS THE ENTIRE DATE EXPERIENCE.
That feeling you get of wanting to throw up before a first date is normal, but I promise, once you’re on the date, it’ll go away.
Sure, the date may not end up being a hit, but the way I see it, it’s a win-win. Either it’s a hit and you like each other, or it’s not and you have a funny story to tell your friends. Done. Easy.
All you do when you show up drunk is prove to your date he can’t take you seriously. Also, you prove to yourself you’re too weak to go on a date completely on your own.

Why You Should Date A Girl Who Drinks Beer

Mistaking your fear of commitment for a bad gut feeling

There are bad gut feelings, and then, there’s fear. The two are not the same.
Gut feelings are meant to be followed, and fear is meant to be conquered. As a perpetually single person, the thought of falling in love or entering a real adult relationship can (and will) be scarier for you than it is for most people.
Don’t mistake that fear for a feeling that things won’t work out. You’ll never know the answer to that unless you take the plunge and try to commit.

Assuming it’s not going to work out from the get-go

Basically, what I’ve written here is a laundry list of all my issues with relationships as a single person. And, of all of them, this is probably the biggest one.
Because nothing had really worked out for me in the past,i assumed nothing is going to work out for my future
To protect myself, I would keep a guard up and take extra note of every possible red flag. But all that ended up making me do was run away from tons of potentially great relationships.

How You Know When You're In Love.

When I met my current boyfriend, I decided to do something differently. I let myself hope that it would work out.
And you know what? It did.
So let yourself be hopeful that something good will happen for you and that you won’t be single forever. If it worked out for me, then I believe it’ll work out for you, too.
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