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Ia) I External fracture of mammalian kidney

ii) 1- Renal vein 
2- Renal artery
3- papillae
4- ureter
5- Renal column
6- Pyramid
8- Cortex


ii) Renal vein : it caries deoxygenated blood from the kedney to the heart 

  *Renal Artery* it caries oxygenated blood from the heart to the kidney 

*Papillae* it is the location where the renal pyramilae in the medulla empty urine into the minor calyn in the kidney 

  *Ureter* it is the tube that caries urine from the kidney to the urinary bladder 

*Pyramid* It surround the kidney and cover 
It is there for support 

1b) Taxonomic class of B : class Retira
= Taxonomic order of B : Squamata
= Taxonomic class of C : class Aves 
= Taxonomic order of C : crocodile
= Traxomic class of D :  class mamalia 
= Traxomic order of D : Chiroptera

1biii) *Specimen B*
1- possession of scalytails for defense
2- possession of coloured skin for the attraction of female
3- possession of limbs for movement  i.e escaping from danger
4- possession of three (3) segmented bodies , head trunk and tail
1- Possession of beaks for piercing seeds
2- possession of feathers for flying
3- possession of nails for grasping preys
4- possession of short legs with nails for attachment to trees
5- possession of eyes for seeing,  and the eyes are placed above the nostril
still Loading......✍
2) *Specimen E* freshly caught alive cockroache
phylum - Arthropoda
Class - Texecta
Order  - Blattodea
Family - Blattidax
              - periplaneta
Species  Americana
2iii) *Economic importance of E*
= They destroy the house material eg books
= They help in decomposing materials which are waste
= They are used in the treatment of cancers by domestic compounds
= in some countries , they are taking as food
= They eat attached and dirts in the house
= They make houses clean
2iv) *[shown in the image format]*

1bii) *[Shown in the image format]*


Number (4)

*Characteristics of the Jahiliyyah period*

The tribal life of Jahiliyyah Arabs was characterised by the prevailing conditions in the Arabian Peninsula before the advent of Islam. Two main ways of life could be identified.

1) The bad practises.
2) The good practises.

*Bad practises:*
There are many bad practices which form some aspects of the tribal life of the Jahiliyya Arab. They included;

1- Polytheism: Jahiliyya Arabs worship idols, stones and heroes. They add families and tribal idols. About 300 idols were being worshipped in the ka'abah before the advent of Islam. 

2- In human treatment of women: Women were maltreated in the following areas.

1- They were denied inheritance by step sons.

2- Female daughters were buried alive. 

3- They were subservient to men.

4- Social Corruption: Jahiliyya Arabs involved in alcoholism, adultery and gambling. 

5- Warfare: Jahiliyya Arabs enjoyed willful destruction through wars. They plundered and enslave people. 

6- Tribalism: Jahiliyya were great tribalist. They considered their tribe first before anything and regarded the support of a tribesmen a supreme service even if he was a culprit. 

7- Others practices are injustice, maltreatment and cheating of others.

*Good practises:* 
They were also good practices among the Jahiliyya arabs. They included;

1- Courage: They were courageous people. They protected the image of their tribe on the battlefield.

2- Hospitality: They were hospitable people. They help the needy and the strangers. They were generous.

3- Fulfilment of promise: Arabs honoured their promises. They gave protection to individuals when a tribal member pledge his oath.

4- Intellectual attainment: Despite the ignorance that dominated Arabia during the period, some Arabs led an intellectual life. They produced exceptionally and highly qualitative poets and orators because of their life in the desert that became skillful astronomers.

*Questions Answered*

IRS Question 1

Abysina is the first place Muslims went to as a result of harassment and intimidationa at Mecca was  much. The  Prophet Muhammad SAW instructed the early Muslims to migrate to Abyssina in 615 CE during the persecution by the Quraish 

The Consequences are highlighted below 

  I. King Negus of Abysinna recieved the early Muslims with Kindness.

 II. It was the first time Islam was practice outside Arabia. 

III. The early Muslims enjoyed the needed freedom to go about their devotional activities.

IV. Some new converts were recorded in Abyssina.

V. It marks the beginning of friendly relationship between Islam and Christianity.

VI. By heeding the advise to migrate, the early Muslims show obedience to Prophet Muhammad.

VII. The Prophet Muhammad also appointed some of the companions as the official teachers of the Quran

VIII. It marks the beginning of the spreading of Islam worldwide.

IX The acceptance of Muslims in Abyssina really pained the Quraish and prompt them to return to Mecca with more intimidaMecca Muslim


*Number (2)*

There was no regular army during the time of HOLY PROPHET(PBUH). Hazrat abu bakar followed HIS e-g he divied the army into battalions,each was put under the command of an officer, who was under the commander of whole army. Moreover he appointed commander in chief of various armies. The C.I. chief of 4 armies sent to syria was hazrat khalid bin walid (R.A) SAIF-UL-ALLAH. known as amir-ul-ummah.

He took particular care of the moral training of the military personnels. when he sent armies to syria, he gave them following instruction; during your expedition you would find some people who devote themselves exclusively to worship their creator, do not disturb them and leave them in their sanctuaries.

In the period of his khilafat there was no building for bait-ul-maal, it was made during later period of his khilafat, but no money was accommodated in it. Whatsoever funds came in bait-ul-maal were distributed among needy and poor immediately. After hazrat abu bakar(r.a) death hazrat umer(r.a) found only one dirham in it.

Whenever he appointed an officer, he advised him and explain his duties. He was a strict administrator and never allowed any of his officer to behave in an irregular manner. He also listened to complaints personally against govt officers and provided remedies for them.

He gave same rights and previlage to minorities in his rule which were in the PROPHET (PBUH) period. He applied same rule to the conquered areas and on their minorities population. He gave JIZYA on easy terms to minorities.

One of the greatest services rendered to islam by hazart abu bakar was the collection of holy quran. It was not compiled in HOLY PROPHET(PBUH) period though it`s memorization continued even after prophet death. In various battles a number of HUFFAZ were martyred. Hazrat umer(r.a)advise him to take steps to preserve the holy quran in a book. He appointed Hazrat Zaid Bin Thabet(R.A) for this work, he was the best qualified for this job, he learned the quran directly from PROPHET(PBUH). He adopted the same order of various chapters of quran as was revealed to the HOLY PROPHET (PBUH). The compiled copy of quran was kept in the house of wife of HOLY PROPHET(PBUH) HAZRAT HAFSAH(R.A).


Number (4)

*Characteristics of the Jahiliyyah period*

The tribal life of Jahiliyyah Arabs was characterised by the prevailing conditions in the Arabian Peninsula before the advent of Islam. Two main ways of life could be identified.

1) The bad practises.
2) The good practises.

*Bad practises:*
There are many bad practices which form some aspects of the tribal life of the Jahiliyya Arab. They included;

1- Polytheism: Jahiliyya Arabs worship idols, stones and heroes. They add families and tribal idols. About 300 idols were being worshipped in the ka'abah before the advent of Islam. 

2- In human treatment of women: Women were maltreated in the following areas.

1- They were denied inheritance by step sons.

2- Female daughters were buried alive. 

3- They were subservient to men.

4- Social Corruption: Jahiliyya Arabs involved in alcoholism, adultery and gambling. 

5- Warfare: Jahiliyya Arabs enjoyed willful destruction through wars. They plundered and enslave people. 

6- Tribalism: Jahiliyya were great tribalist. They considered their tribe first before anything and regarded the support of a tribesmen a supreme service even if he was a culprit. 

7- Others practices are injustice, maltreatment and cheating of others.

*Good practises:* 
They were also good practices among the Jahiliyya arabs. They included;

1- Courage: They were courageous people. They protected the image of their tribe on the battlefield.

2- Hospitality: They were hospitable people. They help the needy and the strangers. They were generous.

3- Fulfilment of promise: Arabs honoured their promises. They gave protection to individuals when a tribal member pledge his oath.

4- Intellectual attainment: Despite the ignorance that dominated Arabia during the period, some Arabs led an intellectual life. They produced exceptionally and highly qualitative poets and orators because of their life in the desert that became skillful astronomers.


IRS Question 5
 Before stating the sequecial step that constitutes a Unit Rakah in Salah,it is pertinent to first examines the key word like "Rakat and Salah"

Rakat is a unit of Solat,  which must be performed after ablution.No rakat can stand without ablution either Wudu or Tayamamum

Salah is Muslim Festive performed in accordance with Prophet Muhammad directives. 

Sequecial step of a Rakat in Sallah 

  I Ablution must have been performed. 

II Join the congregation for prayer. 

III Ikamot will be raise and all Muslims Ummah will stand for prayer.

IV.The Imam will raise Kalimotul Shadah (shouting Allah Akbar 7times)

V. After that, the compulsory Surah (Suratul fathia)  will be recited,follow by any other Surah 
VI The Imam will go for  ruku and others join. 

VII After leaving Ruku,then proceed to Sujud, normal twice sujud.
And the Imam stand another rakah

That's sequecial step that constitutes a Rakat in Sallah.



 *Usury (interest):* is the practice of assigning a fee on credit and other borrowed assets on top of the principal borrowed amount, thus making a profit on the loan.

_*The implications of Usury(interest) include the following*_

*1.* *It causes a severe disorder in the distribution of wealth and widens the gulf between the rich and the poor*:-  Because Usury(interest) tends to concentrate wealth in the hands of a few individuals and prevents it from being used for the general good of the community, it causes an inequitable distribution of wealth and resources and divides society into a tiny super-rich minority and a large poor or deprived large majority, a state of affairs which normally gives rise to hatred and crimes in society.

*2.* *It encourages wasteful extravagance*:-  The fact that taking out loans from financial institutions that charge interest on such loans has become more readily available than ever before has encouraged many people to become big wasters. Finding a financial institution from which to borrow money to meet all kinds of needs, they tend to spend lavishly on luxury items, only to find themselves burdened by debts which cause them depression, anxiety and stress and which they cannot possibly pay off.

*3*. *It dissuades investors from investing in domestic beneficial projects*:-  Lured by the interest gains the usurious system allows investors to derive from their capital, they desist from investing their capital in domestic industrial, agricultural and commercial projects, no matter how beneficial such projects may be to society, as they believe these projects involve some risk and require a great deal of effort.

*4*. *It deprives wealth of all blessing and leads to economic crises*:- All economic crises undergone by financial institutions and individuals alike are, in the main, caused by persistence in engaging in usurious transactions and are some of the reasons why such transactions are deprived of all blessing, as opposed to charitable deeds which are bound to bless wealth and increase it. As the Qur’an states, “Allah deprives usurious gains of all blessing, whereas He blesses charitable deeds with manifold increase.” (Soorat Al-Baqarah, 2: 276)


Riba is prohibited for a couple of reasons. 

*1* . It is meant to ensure equity in exchange. 

*2*.  It is meant to ensure that people can protect their wealth by making unjust and unequal exchanges illegal. 

*3*.  Islam aims to promote charity and helping others through kindness. 

*4*.  To remove sentiments of selfishness and self-centeredness, which can create social antipathy, distrust, and resentment. 

*5*.  By making riba illegal, Sharia law creates opportunities and contexts in which people are encouraged to act charitably (loaning money without interest) .


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